Hello!! Here is more information about the collab. Okay soo obviously sending me a comedy blog is a long streatch so lemme explain. Your blog could be short, and normal but just add some funny in it! You know? Make me laugh! The ones that do I will automatically consider! Are there requirments? I'll let you know when the slots are filled. What is the theme? Well the theme is kinda like a dare you have to do and then you just simply post about it!! Don't worry, I'll make sure the dares don't kill you haha. But it'll be very very exciting and time is running out!! How many slots are left? So far I have 2! 3 more slots left!! So you better hurry! Email me at legitlypaige@gmail.com or comment below!! See ya soon!!
-<3Paige P.S if you have any questions comment or email it!! I will answer it ASAP!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yay!! We now have 1 slot left!! Andd it is reserved!! But it is still open!! But you snooze you loose!! Sorry! Better act fast because the slot just might get filled by tomorrow. And once the slots are filled, I will start planning things so it should be up by this weekend! Act fast!! Love you guys!! Talk to you soon!!
-<3Paigerrz ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Readyy or nott THE COLLAB IS HERE!! The collab is coming next week!! All the slots are filled!! You will meet these lovely people next week!! Thank you guys I love you and I'll talk to you on "Yalonda and Paige, Paige and Yalonda!!"
-<3Paigerrz -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Okay!! I just had a stroke of genious!! There are a lot of collabs on YouTube sooo why not here?! So, here's how it works! I will post a theme every Sunday!! We will have a person for everyday of the week (Monday-Friday) andd have a special guest every Saturday!! Soo if you
want to be in the collab, shoot me an email with a sample "comedy blog" or post a comment, and you may just get into this collab! Good luck and I hope to hear from you!!
-<3Paige -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Okay!! I couldn't wait!! You'll meet these lovely people next week but for now:
Tuesday-Paige (Me)
These people are truely legit and I really can't wait for the collab. See y'all next week!!