Legitly Paige

Hello everyone!! As you know I am starting a collab so the "Legitly Paige" blogs are right here!! Yayy!!! I mean...what's the point in deleting them? I think they should just be moved...well imma quit talking and get to it:
Hello Everyone!!
Hello everyone!! Yes, it's Paige from "I Mean...Really?!" andd "Overlook Book"!! NO I am not cutting the other blogs, and NO I am not ditching Yalonda! And NO I am not trying to see who's better! I just felt like making a blog about me! I just wanted to run 1 without anyone, declare independance...haha okay maybe not but oh well! Here it is!! I just thought "Heck! Blog!!" so this is about me, the random fights that break out between my friends, my psychotic mother, and my crazy sisters. Not to mention my huge family. Soo get ready! This...is...LEGITLY PAIGE!! Coming soon! So while I get this up and running smoothly, check my other blogs, and/or ask me questions or for advice or any suggestions simply comment on this blog, or email me: legitlypaige@gmail.com or email Yalonda and I: paigeandyalonda@gmail.com . Just put the subject of your email as "Yalonda" if the question, advice, or suggestion is for her, or "Paige" or "Paige & Yalonda" and yeah I think you get point. So, until then...happy emailing and/or commenting.

-<3Paige P.S oh yeahh haha when I was planning on what I was gonna say in this blog soo uh there was another reason why I made this. I get bored really easily so I have to have as much things to keep me busy as possible(; okay!! That's all for now B-bye!! 
Lemme Get This Straight

Umm okay sooooo lemme get this straight, apparently, I am not allowed to make another blog without Yalonda putting trash comments and trash blogs. On MY blog that I created!! Come on!! That's just ridiculous!!! Watch it Yalonda!! I can remove you from this blog ANYTIME I want!! What do you guys think? Do you think Yalonda has ANY reason to be rude like that? She tried to post rude comments on "Legitly Paige" which I had to reject. Email or comment your opinion. Thanx guys!!

Heyy everybody!! Today I watched Ratatoulle (idk how to spell it.) Andd I'm having boy problems. That's what's new. Ohh I'm eating Skittles too....they are really good. Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?! Beware of "water resistant" and "water proof" Why do rats look cute in cartoons...they freak me out in real life...woah I put lufe...hm that's a funny word. You can't taste the rainbow with out a blue Skittle! Well I'll post tomorrow. Tomorrow I have to....to...BABYSIT!!


Okay!! I just had a stroke of genious!! There are a lot of collabs on YouTube sooo why not here?! So, here's how it works! I will post a theme every Sunday!! We will have a person for everyday of the week (Monday-Friday) andd have a special guest every Saturday!! Soo if you want to be in the collab, shoot me an email with a sample "comedy blog" or post a comment, and you may just get into this collab! Good luck and I hope to hear from you!!

-<3Paige P. S Email me at: LegitlyPaige@Gmail.com Orr comment/hug below!!
More Collab Information

Hello!! Here is more information about the collab. Okay soo obviously sending me a comedy blog is a long streatch so lemme explain. Your blog could be short, and normal but just add some funny in it! You know? Make me laugh! The ones that do I will automatically consider! Are there requirments? I'll let you know when the slots are filled. What is the theme? Well the theme is kinda like a dare you have to do and then you just simply post about it!! Don't worry, I'll make sure the dares don't kill you haha. But it'll be very very exciting and time is running out!! How many slots are left? So far I have 2! 3 more slots left!! So you better hurry! Email me at legitlypaige@gmail.com or comment below!! See ya soon!!

-<3Paige P.S if you have any questions comment or email it!! I will answer it ASAP!!

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Collab coming REAL soon!!

Yay!! We now have 1 slot left!! Andd it is reserved!! But it is still open!! But you snooze you loose!! Sorry! Better act fast because the slot just might get filled by tomorrow. And once the slots are filled, I will start planning things so it should be up by this weekend! Act fast!! Love you guys!! Talk to you soon!!
