
Blair's not-so-fun times

Okay, so I'm just going to say one of the embarrassing moments that happened to me that I can remember. So it was in the beginning of 7th grade, and I was sitting in class and my teacher asks this kid if he could throw him the marker. So the kid threw it and it hit my head in front of the whole class! And my teacher just says, "Oh, can you give me that marker that's on the floor?" Wow, thanks for caring for my hurt head, Mr.Teacher. (Name shall not be revealed) How embarrassing.

Another moment,
It was in elementary school and I was at lunch. So I had my tray and I was walking to my table and this kid, he started talking to me and I ignored him and kept walking then I tripped! And my tray fell to the ground. And the kid saw me fall. I hope he doesn't remember me, that'd be embarrassing if I saw him at Walmart!



You know why I love when you comment? Because everytime you comment, a unicorn gets fed. And when a unicorn gets fed...a unicorn gets fed. So don't be a unicorn killer! Long live these little horned ponies!! So you! Not you! Next to you! Yes, you!! I love you. Even the haters. I love you too.