
Humans Can Lick Too.


My great-grandmother lived alone in her Cabin since her husband died. She only had one companion who was her loving dog. She loved him very much, and he loved her a lot as well, and comforted her. Every night when she went to bed, her dog would lick her hand to let her know that he was there to protect her.

One night, she went to bed and her dog licked her hand as a usual routine since her husband had died. But later in the night, she had woken up because she heard her dog whimpering. She wanted to comfort him and let him know that she was there for him, so she stuck her hand out by the bed and let him lick her hand gently. She thought that he was just cold so she went back to sleep.

The dog whimpered again and it had woken her up again. So she stuck her hand out and let him lick it, then she went back to sleep. Then the dog whimpered a third time and she stuck her hand out and let him lick it. She stayed awake for a few minutes and the whimpering stopped. So she went back to sleep.

Morning came and she stuck her hand out from the bed, but nothing licked her hand. She figured that the dog was already awake and was just in another room. She got out of bed and heard a "drip...drip...drip..." So she walked into the kitchen and turned the handle on the sink faucet., but it wasn't on or dripping.

She went into her bathroom to take a shower. The drips got louder as she walked in. She turned and looked above the bath tub and "AHHH!" She screamed. There appeared, hanging from the light by his tail, her loving companion, his blood dripping into the bath tub. Another scream. She dropped to her knees and began to cry. She turned around and looked in the mirror. In the mirror, she saw her loving dog hanging and written on the mirror, with her dog's blood, drips and streaks hanging from each letter, were the words. . . . HUMANS CAN LICK TOO.

Tale Telling,

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